We offer a sliding scale to accommodate different financial situations:
Option 1: €5200
Option 2: €4900
Option 3: €4650
Option 4: €4300
Option 5: €4000
Possible payment in installments – personal payment plan will be sent to You after receiving from You application, according to Your personal needs and our agreements.
Why a sliding scale?
The sliding scale is designed to support people with different financial circumstances and income levels in accessing the Apprenticeship Program. Its purpose is to make this work more accessible to a wider audience.
Your choice of payment option depends on your personal integrity and honesty.
If you can afford a higher payment option, you enable others to access lower payment options.
Tuition Pricing Policy
We recognize that we live in challenging yet abundant and transformative times. Our intention is to make this work available to as many people as possible, regardless of their background.
We understand that for some, this is a significant financial commitment, while for others it is not.
With this in mind, we have designed the pricing structure to trust each participant’s personal choice and conscience in selecting an option that reflects their financial situation.